Master’s Thesis Imperfection as a Virtue: A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of the Type and Number of Errors in Intelligent Learning Companions in MOOC.
Kwon, O., Kim, H., Kim, B., Lee, J., Ha, T., Lee, I., & Kim, J. (2017). Meaning of Waiting Experience and Principles of Service Design, Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 17(1), 270-286.
Kim, H., Kim, B., Kim, J., Shin, H., & Kim, J. (2016). Impact of Immediacy and Self-Monitoring on Positive Emotion and Sense of Community of User: Focusing on Social Interactive Video Platform. The Science of Emotion & Sensibility, 19(2), 3-18.
Kim, H., Kim, B., Lee, J. H., & Kim, J. (2017, May). Hey, Wake Up: Come Along with the Artificial Learning Companion to the e-Learner’s Outcomes High!. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (pp. 1763-1770). ACM.
Kim, H., Kim, B., Jun, S., & Kim, J. (2017, Mar). An Imperfectly Perfect Robot: Discovering Interaction Design Strategy for Learning Companion. In Proceedings of the Companion of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, (pp. 165-166). ACM.
Kim, B., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2016, Sep). Getting home safely with drone. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, (pp.117-120). ACM.
Kim, H., Kim, B., & Kim, J. (2016, Jan). The Naughty Drone: A Qualitative Research on Drone as Companion Device. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, (pp.91-96). ACM.
Kim, B., Kim, H., Kwon, O., Lee, J., Ha, T., Lee, I., & Kim, J. (2017, Feb). The Effect of Learning Companion with Weakness and Emotion on Upper Social Comparison and Social Interaction. In Proceedings of HCI Korea, (pp.684-687). Hanbit Media, Inc. (Best Paper Award)
Kwon, O., Kim, H., Kim, B., Lee, J., Ha, T., Lee, I., & Kim, J. (2016, Jan). Now is the time!: Qualitative research about meaning of wait experience. In Proceedings of HCI Korea, (pp. 198-200). Hanbit Media, Inc.
Kim, M., Kim, B., Kim, H., Baek, S., Shin, H., Lee, I., & Kim, J. (2016, Jan). The Effect of Emotion Sharing with Hashtag on Perceived Attention Seeking and Social Interactivity. In Proceedings of HCI Korea (pp. 460-467). Hanbit Media, Inc.
Aum, H., Jang, J., Kim, M., Kim, T., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2014, Jan). The impact of self-presentation and social expectation in continuous usage: focusing on recommendation system. In Proceedings of HCI Korea, (pp. 371-377). Hanbit Media, Inc.
Lee, B., Kim, H., Shin, H, & Kim, H. (2014, Jan). Understanding of Factors of Service Authenticity and their relation to Technology Adoption in Multiplex Environment. In Proceedings of HCI Korea, (pp. 266-268). Hanbit Media, Inc.
김진우. (2017). 「서비스 경험 디자인」 초안 집필 및 집필 과정 책임 관리 (1장-13장). 안그라픽스. (2017년 2월 10일). ISBN 9788970598826.